可口可樂印度公司宣布推出小包裝尺寸的100%再生塑料瓶裝可口可樂,包括250毫升和 750毫升瓶。這些瓶子還帶有“再次回收我”號召性用語和“100%回收PE 瓶”展示,旨在提高消費者意識。
Coca-Cola Launches 100% Recycled Plastic Bottles in India
Coca-Cola India announced the launch of Coca-Cola in 100% recycled plastic (rPET) bottles in its smaller pack sizes, including 250 ml and 750 ml bottles.
The bottles also a carry a “Recycle Me Again” call to action and a “100% recycled PET bottle” display aimed at driving consumer awareness.