
各國 CDM 主管機構(附件一國家)

2014-10-1 22:07 來源: 易碳家期刊

各國 CDM 主管機構(附件一國家)

國家授權 CDM 管理機構聯系方式
AustriaFederal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Managementabteilung.54@bmlfuw.gv.at 
Phone: (43-1)51522-1736/1751
Fax: (43-1)51522-7737
CanadaForeign Affairs CanadaRichard Ballhorn (no email 
address supplied) , Director-General Environment and Sustainable Development Affairs Bureau
Canada′s CDM and JI office, Climate Change and Energy Division 
Foreign Affairs Canada 
125 Sussex Drive 
Ottawa , Ontario 
K 1A 0G 2 Tara Preston
( tara.preston@dfait-maeci.gc.ca ) , 
Acting Deputy-Director 
Phone: (1-613) 992-9657 
Fax: (1-613) 944-0064
DenmarkDanish Ministry of the EnvironmentAddress:Strandgade 29,DK-1401 Copenhagen K, Denmarkmst@mst.dk 
Phone: (45-32) 66 01 00 
Fax: (45-32) 66 04 79
European Community

Directorate General


Mr. Artur Runge-Metzger , 
Head of Unit C2 "Climate Change and Energy" 
Phone: (32-2) 29 56 89, 
(32-2) 29 68 844 
Fax: (32-2) 29 69 970
FinlandMinistry of Foreign Affairs, Department for Development Policy 
P. O. Box 176 , FIN-00161 Helsinki , Finland
Mr. Pekka Puustinen 
( keo-12@formin.fi ) , 
Head of Unit, Unit for 
Sectoral Policy 
Phone: (358-9) 1605 6410 
Fax: (358-9) 1605 6428

Mission Interministérielle de l′Effet de Serre 
20, avenue de Ségur

75007, Paris

M Philippe Meunier (philippe.meunier@ecologie.

Secrétaire Général 
Phone: (33-1) 4219 1564 
Fax: (33-1) 4219 1697
GermanyFederal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety Address:11055 Berlin GermanyMr. Franzjosef Schafhausen, Mr. Thomas Forth Phone: (49-30)28 550-2350/2357 
Fax: (49-30) 28 550-2349
ItalyMinistry for the Environment and Territory, Department for Global Environment, International and Regional ConventionsMr. Corrado Clini , Director General of the Department for Global Envi 
Phone: (39-06) 5722 8101/02/04 
Fax: (39-06) 5722 8175

The Liaison Committee for

the Utilization of the Kyoto Mechanisms

shiba12f-35@kokushabu.net , Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Climate Change Division 
Phone: (81-3) 6402 2540 
Fax: (81-3) 6402 2538
MonacoDirection des Relations Extérieures, Coopération Internationale pour l′Environnement et le Développement 
Address:Villa Girasole, 16 Boulevard de Suisse, ML 9800, Monaco
Monsieur Platini 
Phone: (337-93) 154 229 
Fax: (337-93) 509 591
SwitzerlandSwiss Agency for the Environment, Forests and Landscape (SAEFL), Economics and Climate SectionAddress:CH-3003 Berne , SwitzerlandMr. Yvan Keckeis 
Phone: (41-31) 324 7184 
Fax: (41-31) 323 0367
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern 

The Department for

Environment, Food and

Rural Affairs 
3rd Floor, Ashdown House 
123 Victoria Street 
SW1E 6DE United Kingdom

Ms. Sarah Hendry, ( dna@defra.gsi.gov.uk ) , Head of Global Atmosphere Division 
Phone: (44-20) 7082 8158 
Fax: (44-20) 7082 8143

United Kingdom of Great

Britain and Northern 

The Department for

Environment, Food and

Rural Affairs 
3rd Floor, Ashdown House 
123 Victoria Street 
United Kingdom

Ms. Sarah Hendry, ( dna@defra.gsi.gov.uk ) , Head of Global Atmosphere Division 
Phone: (44-20) 7082 8158 
Fax: (44-20) 7082 8143

