2021-5-6 08:27 來源: 孫小兵
圖2-2 大氣中二氧化碳濃度(公元1019~2019年)
(1)4.15億年至6000萬年:Douglas D. Ekart, Thure E. Cerling, Isabel P. Montanez, and Neil J. Tabor. 1999.A 400 million year carbon isotope record of pedogenic carbonate; implicationsfor paleoatomospheric carbon dioxide. American Journal of Science, 229(10),805-827. doi: 10.247.
(2)6000萬年至500萬年:Paul N. Pearson and Martin R. Palmer. 2000. Atmospheric carbon dioxideconcentrations over the past 60 million years. Nature, 406, 695-699. doi:10.1038/35021000.
(3)500萬年至公元前4000年:Stap, L.B., de Boer, B., Ziegler, M., Bintanja, R., Lourens, L.J. and vande Wal, R.S.W. (2016) CO2 over the past 5 million years: Continuoussimulation and new δ11B-based proxy data. Earth and Planetary Science Letters439, 1-16.
(5)公元154年至1976年:Law Dome, Antarctica 2000 Year Ice Core CO2, CH4, N2Oand d13C-CO2 Data.
(6)公元1979年至2019年:Annual mean global surface dry-air mole fractions derived from NOAA/ESRL/GMD measurements and historical records.